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About Us

Munii Hungrii- Growing up, we were taught that being money hungry was a bad thing. Usually when you hear someone call someone else money hungry, they mean they will do anything (in a negative way) for money. Well, we wanted to take all that negative energy and turn it into a positive, motivating, and uplifting term and phrase, hence the different spelling. We wanted to come out with something everyone could relate to and can be proud to wear.
When people hear or see Munii Hungrii Apparel and Accessories, we want them to not only think, but know that we are all about success, gaining wealth in all aspects, pushing through the storm in order to get to the sunshine. When you use or wear any of our products we want you to feel uplifted and motivated, like you can do anything because in reality… CAN do ANYTHING and you have the support whether you know it or not. We want you to feel as if you can prosper no matter the obstacle and to stay motivated. No matter what, always know that you can and will succeed and always give it your all.
No matter what you are doing with your life or where you live, it costs to stay alive, so you have to work to gain these funds. You don’t want to be stuck at a dead-end job barely making ends meet, so you find ways to better yourself. Going to school, learning trades, doing whatever it is needed to better yourself and your family to live extra comfortable.
Munii Hungrii Apparel is about being overly motivated to earn your success in life. Being able to not let anyone or anything stand in your way or stop you from achieving your goals no matter how big or small. Being munii hungrii shouldn’t be a bad thing, but rather a wonderful and uplifting thing. You should want to do better for yourself. You should want to achieve every goal that you set in your life. You should want to elevate in life. Muniii Hungrii isn’t just monetary in meaning or making an excessive amount of it to ball out. Its about taking what you’ve earned and re investing it in yourself to get better. Anybody can work at McDonalds and ball but being munii hungrii is about taking that check from McDonalds and investing it in something to get further or learn more to achieve more. Its about making your money work for you instead of the other way around. Its about elevating your situation every day, hour, minute, and second of your life. Its about setting an example for those who are watching your every move. Its about being the motivation needed to pursue your dreams. Its about being great in every aspect. Being persistent, focused, and willing to take on every obstacle that comes your way to become a better person.

Munii- Munii refers to the currency of life (certifications, trades, skills, etc)
Not just physical, monetary currency but that in which presents itself to help bring a better way of earning it. Example education, promotions, health (mental and physical), and making the best decisions possible

Hungrii-wanting more and better out of life. Ensuring you get it.